Third Party Reporting
What is Third Party Reporting?
For a variety of reasons, many people will find it difficult to report Hate Crime directly to the Police. To help make this easier, you can speak to a Third Party about the crime.
Third Party Reporting Centres are agencies who have been trained to help you report a Hate Crime incident. This is in addition to all other ways in which to contact the police.
If you prefer, third party reports can be submitted anonymously through a Third Party Reporting Centre. However if you give your details it will help us to tackle Hate Crime better.
What is Hate Crime?
Hate Crime is a crime committed against a person or property that is motivated by 'malice or ill-will towards a social group'.
Social group means:
- disability
- race (including race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins)
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- transgender identity
This means if you have been the victim of a crime because of your actual or perceived disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or transgender identity then it is likely you have been the victim of a Hate Crime incident.
Hate crime can include:
- physical assault
- vandalism to your property
- intimidating or threatening behaviour including obscene calls or gestures
- offensive letters, leaflets, posters
- verbal abuse or insults including name-calling or offensive 'jokes'
- emotional and psychological abuse
- bullying
What to do if you experience or witness a 'Hate Crime' incident
It is important that if you experience or witness a Hate Crime incident that you report it. You can do so by contacting a Third party Reporting Centre or to the Police:
- in person, by telephone or letter or
- through a Third Party Reporting Centre
Remember - if you need immediate help always call the police on 101 or by TextRelay 1 800 1 101or 999 in an emergency.
Reporting through a Third Party Reporting Centre
If you want to report a Hate Crime incident to the police you can contact any of the Third Party Reporting Centres. They are:
LGBT Youth Scotland - Dumfries | Dumfries Islamic Society |
D&G College - Dumfries Campus | D&G College - Stranraer Campus |
DGVoice - Dumfries Midsteeple (2nd Floor) High Street Dumfries DG1 2BH Tel: 01387 257770 | DGVoice - Stranraer Millennium Centre 75 George Street Stranraer DG9 7JP Tel: 01776 705645 |
Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association | International Women's Support Group |
The Hub - Your Community Action Centre |
What will the Police do with this information?
The police will deal with third party reports as if they had received the report directly from you and where necessary will make contact with you if you have provided your details.
Why report incidents of Hate Crime?
Reporting incidents of Hate Crime help the you or someone else receive the appropriate support and advice.