Poverty and Inequalities Partnership
Find out more about the Poverty and Inequalities Partnership.
- To drive forward the Community Planning Poverty and Inequalities Strategy through a shared Action Plan
- To work on and develop collaborative projects that tackle poverty and inequalities
- To share advice from a "lived experience" perspective
- To access expertise from other areas and at national level and share our work with them
- To identify any hidden barriers to access and participation and ways of overcoming them
- To create opportunities for engagement between partner organisations and people experiencing poverty
- To act as a forum for consultation, engagement and information exchange
- To take a partnership approach to the monitoring and evaluation of the shared Action Plan reporting to the Community Planning Partnership Board
Public Sector
- Dumfries and Galloway Council
- Social Security Scotland
Third Sector
- Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service
- Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership
- Loreburn Housing Association
- Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway
- Two members of the Tackling Poverty Reference Group
- Member of the Living Reference Group on the Scottish National Action Plan (SNAP) on human rights
- Independent Chair
Background information and research
- Poverty and Deprivation Report
- Download a copy of the Dumfries & Galloway Poverty and Inequalities Strategy 2021-2026 >> (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- Download the Sub Group 1 Action Plan (PDF, 301 KB)(opens new window)
- Download the Sub Group 2 Action Plan (PDF, 266 KB)(opens new window)
- Download the Sub Group 3 Action Plan (PDF, 222 KB)(opens new window)
- Download the Sub Group 4 Action Plan (PDF, 270 KB)(opens new window)