Thematic Forums and Partnerships

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There is a small number of thematic forums which have responsibility for strategic plans that contribute to the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. These bodies are not created by or the responsibility of the CPP Board, but each has its own individual governance and operating arrangements. However they agree to provide the CPP with an annual report on their activities including meetings, training of members and the overall workplan.

Place Planning Partnership (PPP)


  • to develop coherence in joint working arrangements
  • to better understand the requirements of Community Planning Locality Plans, Local Place Plans and Borderlands Place Plans,
  • to develop joint workforce training in Place and locality working
  • develop a co-ordinated offer to communities to support them to develop their Place Plans
  • to identify and share best practice at national level and in other areas
  • to develop peer learning across our communities


Representatives of:

  • Borderlands Growth Initiative
  • Dumfries and Galloway Council (Economy and Development and Community Services)
  • Health and Social Care Partnership
  • South of Scotland Enterprise
  • The Stove
  • Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway

Public Health Scotland attends as an observer

Place initiatives covered by the PPP

Dumfries and Galloway Cultural Partnership - DGCP


The remit of the Cultural Partnership is to lead and oversee delivery of the Dumfries and Galloway Cultural Strategy 2022-2030. This will include:

  • To support the cultural sector as a whole to contribute to Dumfries and Galloway's economy, wellbeing and international profile.
  • To facilitate the cultural sector working together to develop and deliver strategic priorities.
  • To increase the visibility and impact of all those working in culture in Dumfries and Galloway.
  • To support and improve the working environment, conditions and rewards for all those working in culture in Dumfries and Galloway.
  • Managing the Dumfries and Galloway Cultural Fund

Thematic Groups

  • Culture and Sector Governance and Fair Work: Promoting and shaping best practice regionally for Fair Work, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Safety, governance in cultural organisations
  • Culture and Place and Community Wealth-Building: Cross sector working, developing our contributions to place initiatives and identifying new income streams for culture 
  • Culture and Education and Skills: Supporting and initiating education and skills development in culture 
  • Culture and Community Health and Wellbeing: Supporting and initiating wellbeing through culture 
  • Culture and Visitor Economy: Developing our international profile, regional identity and marketing 

An initial draft diagram showing potential organisations to be involved in these groups and their operations is available here: Diagram (PDF, 116 KB)


Founder members:

  • DG Unlimited
  • Dumfries and Galloway Council
  • Dumfries and Galloway Museums and Heritage Network
  • South of Scotland Enterprise

The membership of the Thematic Groups will involve a wider group of stakeholders.

Notes of Meetings

Background Information

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